Friday, June 8, 2012

Lauren's Piece

original screen door from previous owners
A fellow artist and friend, Lauren asked me a few months back if I do any trades for my art and I said sure. Well she had a really neat idea for what she wanted. She lives in an old house with a nice big garden and wanted to be able to remember and commemorate the place when she moves. The really cool part was that she had all these artifacts that she found while digging in the yard...a pair of scissors, marbles, a bullet casing, a donkey pin, a glass bottle, a shard of pottery, some nails, a key and even a dried praying mantis.

little footprints in the back cement
 She was having a garage sale when I went by to check things out and I took this frame. I painted it in her two favorite colors. Then I printed and cut up the photos of the door screen and child's footprints and made a photo collage of the two images. I then glued down all the pieces, added brown dots for more detail and let it dry overnight.

 This was the part I was dreading because there is little room for error and if I didn't mix the resin correctly it woudn't cure and the piece would be sticky forever and her artifacts would be ruined.
I finally gained the courage and went for it. I remembered not too be stingy about mixing it thoroughly and pouring equal amount of each in separate containers then pouring both of those into a third cup, stirring, then pour that mixture into a fourth and stirring again. If you take the time to do it properly- it really does turn out well! yeah! If you get small air bubbles you blow on them without breathing the fumes and the carbon dioxide in your breath breaks them up.

Lauren's Piece
Lauren and I are both happy with the results! A happy little piece to commemorate this, my 300th blog entry!

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